Relaunching Scotland’s best-loved airport

Design, PR & Communications, Content, Motion

The Brief

In 2023, we were invited to pitch for Glasgow Airport. They were looking for a rebrand and a campaign to launch it. They felt their brand was tired and dated and wanted to start again. But our response was to challenge this thinking. We saw an opportunity to take what they had, and inject it with new life and meaning.

The Work

We took the airport’s iconic and much loved ‘G’ mark and turned it into a portal - one that showcased all the amazing places the airport could take you to. We coupled this with a new strapline “Go for it”, a very glaswegian turn of phrase, which pushed holidaymakers to take the plunge, businesses to take off and staff to go all out in delivering the best possible airport experience. 

A pitch-winning idea, as it turned out. And if you’ve flown in or out of Glasgow airport recently. You’ll have seen the results for yourself.

The Results

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Getting people in a spin


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Driving success for a global brand